Suwayda-befolkningen bekræfter deres støtte til det nordøstlige Syrien-folk

Suwayda-befolkningen bekræfter deres støtte til det nordøstlige Syrien-folk

Snesevis af Suwayda-beboere gik på gaden mandag d. 28. oktoberi den daglige demonstration på Al-Karama-pladsen i centrum af byen for at understrege deres krav om politisk forandring i overensstemmelse med FN’s resolution 2254, “omstyrtelse af regimet” samt løsladelse af fanger.

I dagens demonstrationer understregede demonstranterne det syriske folks enhed og udtrykte deres støtte til folkene i det nordøstlige Syrien i lyset af de angreb, de er udsat for af den tyrkiske besættelsesstat, hvor en af dem bar et banner, hvor der stod: “Vores partnere i det syriske hjemland i den østlige del af Eufrat. fred for jer.” En skrev på sit banner “Syriens enhed først”, mens en anden demonstrant bar et banner, hvor der stod: “Vi har intet alternativ til Syriens enhed og befrielsen af dets territorium.”


Anonymous, 2024: Suwayda people affirm their support for NE Syria peoples. ANHA Hawar News Agency, 38. October 2024

Oversættelse: Jesper Brandt

Suwayda people affirm their support for NE Syria peoples

In today’s demonstrations, the people of Suwayda stressed the unity of the Syrian people, and their support for the peoples of NE Syria, in light of the attacks on the region by the Turkish occupation state.


 28 October 2024    15:25



Dozens of Suwayda residents took to the streets today in the daily demonstration in Al-Karama Square in the center of the city, to emphasize their demands for political change in accordance with UN Resolution 2254, the “overthrow of the regime”, as well as the release of detainees. 

In today’s demonstrations, the demonstrators stressed the unity of the Syrian people, expressing their support for the peoples of NE Syria in light of the attacks they are subjected to by the Turkish occupation state, where one of them carried a banner that read: “Our partners in the Syrian homeland in the east of the Euphrates..peace for you,” and another wrote on the banner “The unity of Syria first,” while another protester carried a banner that read: “We have no alternative to the unity of Syria and the liberation of its territory.”

Nordsyrien NYHEDER